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Common Driving Mistakes Teens Make
Teen drivers are developing a new skill when they begin on the road. The consequences of making mistakes while driving can have serious ramifications, such as accidents that result in injuries, deaths, and serious car damage. And that is nothing to say about the impact an accident has on your car insurance. Knowing what types of driving mistakes you are most likely to make can reduce the chances of making them.
At Techniques Made Easy, we foster an environment where we want our young drivers to grow. And we will work on any issues you have while we learn the ways of the road. If you know what sort of mistakes you are prone to making, then it is all the easier to learn from those mistakes.
9 Common Mistakes Teen Drivers Make
1) Speeding
As an inexperienced driver, it is tougher to gauge your speed and how long it will take to stop. A young person's reflexes may be sharp, but their reading of situations is not as fully formed as older drivers. It takes time and practice to improve this skill, so it is important to slow down and obey the posted traffic speeds. It is important to understand that you should not feel embarrassed about driving under the posted speed if you are not feeling comfortable behind the wheel of a car. Even when other drivers whiz by you try to stay in your comfort zone. That is very important as a young driver. If there are drivers flying by, they likely have much more road experience than you do. However, these drivers may also be engaging in risky behavior. You do not need to emulate them.
2) Distractions
There are a number of distractions that can keep a driver from noticing and correcting dangerous situations on the road. Some common distractions young drivers have include talking or texting on a cell phone, eating, or even playing with the radio. You are taking your eyes off the road in all of these situations and moving your attention away from your surroundings. Dangerous! For example, did you know that sending out one text takes your eyes off the road for approximately 4.6 seconds. If you are driving 55 miles an hour, this means you just drove the length of a football field while looking down at your phone! Not good!
Overall, distractions hinder your ability to:
- Scan the road effectively.
- Locate potential trouble early.
- Take the necessary corrective action.
Distracted driving is a leading cause of deaths to teens. Stay safe and distraction free. Keep your focus on the road at all times.
3) Having Teen Passengers
Piggy-backing off of the distractions for teen drivers is the idea of having other teens in the car. It is, of course, natural to want to drive with your friends. However, it can be dangerous to drive with that many teenagers in one car. Passengers can distract you while driving or cause you to drive more aggressive than you should while on the road. A single teen passenger in your car can increase the risk of causing a car accident. So be smart on who is in your car and monitor how they are behaving.
4) Not Wearing a Seat Belt
Seat belts play a huge role in eliminating injuries or reducing the severity of injuries you might sustain in a car accident. Sometimes a seat belt even decides who survives a crash. So, buckle up. It could be your life!
5) Taking Unnecessary Risks
Driving a car is inherently risky. When you combine it with poor choices, like speeding through a yellow light, then you increase your chances of causing an accident. It is important for teens to avoid taking unnecessary risks like:
- Driving with under the influence.
- Driving while distracted.
- Speeding excessively.
- Neglecting to check your blind spots.
- Not using your turn signal.
6) Failing to Keep a Proper Distance
Young drivers often overestimate their ability to stop their cars in time as they fail to keep a proper distance from the car in front of them. It is important to always maintain an adequate safety margin from the car ahead of you. The higher the speed at which you are driving, the more braking space you need. It is a learning experience. But a costly one if you fail to keep the right distance and wind up in a fender bender.
7) Over-Correcting and Other Emergency Errors
At times, you must swerve your car or quickly correct the direction of your wheels. It is common for teen drivers to over-compensate in these situations and make a dangerous situation worse by losing control of their car. It is difficult to master emergency handling skills. However, you can easily learn to anticipate dangerous situations, which will limit the need to apply these emergency skills.
8) Driving While Tired
Teens need a lot of sleep. More than most adults. However, the schedule of a teen may not let them get the rest their body and mind needs. This leads to driving while drowsy, which delays reaction time, decreases awareness, and can result in car accidents. You may feel you are fine to drive when you are not. If this is the case, then it is better to let someone else drive when you are struggling to stay awake. If you are alone, then it is wise t0 pull over and rest until you feel ok to drive rather than trying to make it home. This is a decision that experienced drivers are more comfortable with making. There is no shame in doing this, as it is a safety measure to keep you and everyone on the road safe.
9) Driving the Wrong Car
When it comes to the car you drive, you may not have a choice. However, if you do, then it is wise to opt for one with the latest safety features and a solid crash safety record. Do not choose a powerful, high-performance car. This is not the vehicle that should be in the hands of an inexperienced driver, as it is too easy to lose control of one of them. And avoid driving large cars, too. They can be a challenge to handle, especially in tight situations.
Schedule Driving Lessons with Us!
As a teen, you are likely to make mistakes when driving. It is important not to be scared of the road, as it can lead to these bad habits and mistakes. Just drive smart and follow the tips mentioned. Doing so greatly improves the chances of arriving to your destination safely, time after time. If you are ready for driving lessons, please reach out to us today.
Schedule Driving Lessons
When you reach out, we can make an appointment to schedule your driving lessons and get you prepared for the road.